How Self Loves
Alex Grey
I was watching a show on BBC Iplayer, Everything I Know About Love. The last scene in the last episode was a mother daughter dialogue. The mother said to the daughter:
I think you are looking for an extraordinary kind of love.
But I don’t think, for what is worth, you want to be loved in an extraordinary way.
I think what you want is to be loved plainly and quietly, without spectacle or anxiety…
One day as hard as it is to believe, things will be dramatic enough.
There will be sickness and breakdowns and bankruptcy…
there will be so much fucking cancer everywhere…
the world will feel like a war zone.
And you want the person you love to feel like peace.
I was really moved by that. I feel that is how Self loves us, plainly and quietly, without spectacle or anxiety, like peace.
My heart is very full, with gratitude for psychosynthesis, to lead me onto this path of healing, to discover the wholeness of my own being, to illuminate for me what it means to really open my heart to live, and to love.